Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Dark Knight = Ledger

In memory of Heath Ledger

NOTE: This only applies to The Dark Knight movie.

The Dark Knight in Mattanese is, Ledger.

Ledger was so awesome! Meesh loved Heath Ledgers performance so much!

Meesh think Christian Bale did a great job for Ledger as well.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Do = Sex

Do in Mattanese is, Sex.

What is soulja boy going to sex today?

Meesh don't know. Maybe I'll sex some sit-ups!

Sex does not apply to don't, or doesn't. Add "ing" to the end of doing, so it would be sexing.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Perez Hilton = Pink Hair

Perez Hilton in Mattanese is, Pink Hair.

Did soulja boy watch Pink Hair on Queen Bee's last night?

Whammeez!? It was on last night!?

Thursday, August 28, 2008

What = Whammeez

What in Mattanese is, Whammeez.

Whammeez is soulja boy doing?

Meesh don't know what soulja boy is talking about.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Blogger =

NOTE: This word only applies to the url,

Blogger in Mattanese is,

Why is soulja boy using when Wordpress gives soulja boy more flexibility?

Because is for blogs that are small, like mine here.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

You = Soulja Boy

You in Mattanese is, Soulja Boy.

What is soulja boy doing with that scotch?

What does it look like meesh doing?

If are is before, or after, soulja boy, you replace are with is.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Me = Meesh

Me in Mattanese is, Meesh.

Have you watched the movie, Meesh, Myself, and Irene?

Why are you asking Meesh?

Meesh can be used in order to say Myself, and I.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Tape = Scotch

NOTE: This word only applies to Adhesive tape.

Tape in Mattanese is, Scotch.

Where's the Scotch?

Oh crap, I think I left it in the other room. Let me grab it real quick.

Hurry up! This picture needs to be scotched up on to the wall!

Scotch is only used for the adhesive tape. A recording tape, or tape for clothing has no correlation to scotch.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Name = Pogz

Name in Matt's Language is Pogz (pahgs)

Limna, what's your pogz again?

Hahaha. People forget it all the time. My pogz is Mr. Beef.

Pogz cannot be used for nicknames. Nicknames has a different word.

Hello = Limna

Hello in Matt's Language is Limna

Limna Helen! How was your day today?

Limna John! It was pretty mild. I hate the weather actually...

Limna can be used in order to express any kind of greeting. As in Hey, What's up, Yo, Sup, What up yo, Yo dawg wat up, etc.